Sunday, August 17, 2008

Random Summer Pics

We've decided to take a moment to post some random pics we've taken over the last few months. It feels like we haven't had a chance to catch our breath lately, with so much going on. A crazy school semester and even crazier tenants in our house have made this a very stressful and busy month. We apologize for our tardiness in posting, and hope to catch up soon. Until then, enjoy!
What's a summer without good bubbles?
This is Aaron right after a LONG nap. He just looked so cute, even though he was grumpy, that I just had to catch the moment.
Here is how we entertain ourselves...
Earlier this summer, Pauls parents came for a visit. Needless to say, I think we wore them out! ("Hey Gwampa, wake up!")


Scanlon Family said...

Such cute kids, I can't wait until we get to meet Aaron . . . we've seen him in action a little on Skype. When are y'all coming out next?

The Munk Family said...

Little Aaron is growing up so fast! He looks a lot like Logan at that age. I know things are so busy. I guess it's a good thing that we all have blogs. We miss you lots though and hope that you'll post more pictures soon.