Monday, March 16, 2009

Our House

We spent this weekend back at our house in Cleveland. What a bitter-sweet experience. It was nice to be back where we spent four of the six years of our married lives, yet sad that we were there to fix the damage others inflicted on our house in our absence. We are posting pics of what our house looked like before and after we rented it out to give you an idea....

The pictures don't capture the essence of the filth that was our home after our renters left. The smell of rotting food and booze was overwhelming! We hired someone to get rid of all of the stuff, but the grunge leftover was horrendous. We woke up at about 7:00 am on Saturday, and worked until midnight cleaning and scrubbing and fixing. We got a ton accomplished, and our house looks so much better. The kitchen floor is a lost cause, and the basement and yard still need a lot of work, but the rest looks pretty good again. At least we don't feel the need to cry whenever we walk through the doors anymore.
So we had quite the whirlwind of a weekend. We send a great big thanks to the Wilde's for their help and support! You guys were awesome! Logan wants to go back to play with Lincoln some more. :-) Hopefully now we are closer to getting our house back on the market.


Unknown said...

Oh that is horrible. Some people live like pigs don't they. Glad you got it back into shape and that people in Cleveland were there to support you. Are you putting it back up on the market again?

Dustin and Tricia said...

How sad! That is exactly why I want to sell instead of rent when we move from Pocatello, even though we had thought about it.

PamNoyes said...

Holy cow, it amazes me how much junk they just left behind! We bought our house after it had been rented and I spent at least a week dragging Tenna there every day to scrub and clean. I still shudder when I think of how black our feet would get walking around in here. I feel your pain, but I am glad you don't have tp deal with renters anymore!

Anna Rhodes said...

I can't believe your house hasn't sold yet. Our is on the market also along with at least 8 others trying to sell this year so we can leave dental school. I wish houses were turning faster around here. Good luck to all of us.

Kate said...

That just makes me sad. Why do people think they can treat other peoples property that way, really, Really! I guess it makes me Mad too.

Michelle said...

My heart aches for you guys. How did you get along with all those smells and your pregnancy? Good Luck this year. And yes, Brian is still going on his MEW.

Rebecca said...

It's terrible the things people will do to others property. Hopefully you'll get it sold soon so you won't have a headache to deal with anymore. Good luck!

Andrea said...

I can't believe this. Our heart goes out to your family.